Finding the best Digital talent for your business
Contract, Perm & Retained recruitment specialists
100% success rate on retained assignments
<1 month avg. time to hire
98% Client recommendation rate
Easy and fast, get the talent you need in...
Permanent Recruit?
Looking for someone who's searching for their perfect career home? We've got you covered.
Urgent Project?
We also supply contract resource to deliver projects, or hold the fort whilst you’re looking for that perfect permie
Setting the Standards in Recruiting:
Why Choose Blue Pelican?
Reputation & Heritage
- Skills aligned Consultants with a pedigree and depth of experience hiring into digital
- 100% success rate on all retained assignments
- 95% client recommendation rate (source - BP Annual survey)
Speed & Accuracy
- Average time to shortlist: <1 week
- Average time to hire: <1 month
- 98% of candidates we place stay with the employer >1 year
The tools of a recruiter are well known. However, the craft still lies in how you make best use of the them.
This is where our team of specialists provide value to clients. With deep networks within their respective fields, they've spend years and even decades establishing their networks. Becoming thought leaders within their ecosystems.
It's through this they're able to turn around searches quickly and effectively. Knowing exactly where to look, how to engage and draw in the right audience.
Diverse Client Base
- Agencies - independent and large networks.
- Start-ups and SME’s
- Pure-play, best in class digital businesses
- Large-corporates representing some of the most visited websites and utilised digital estates in Europe.